Charles AbramovicBoyer College of Music and DanceKeyboard StudiesChair of Keyboard Studies ProfessorEmail Charles AbramovicOffice Location Rock Hall 223Direct 215-204-7388Department 215-204-8646ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Kyle AlmeidaBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsCMSPEmail Kyle AlmeidaExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Rick Barrantes AgüeroBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsCMSPConcentrationsChamber MusicEmail Rick Barrantes AgüeroExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Beth M. BoltonBoyer College of Music and DanceMusic EducationVice Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs Associate ProfessorEmail Beth M. BoltonOffice Location Presser Hall 131Phone 215-204-8474ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Davyd Booth Boyer College of Music and DanceInstrumental Studies and Temple Music PrepAdjunct Faculty and Music Prep FacultyProgramsViolinCGYMEmail Davyd Booth ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Che-Hung ChenBoyer College of Music and DanceInstrumental StudiesTemple Music PrepAdjunct FacultyProgramsViolaEmail Che-Hung ChenExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Hsiao-Ming ChenBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsCelloCGYMEmail Hsiao-Ming ChenExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Guillaume CombetBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsViolinCGYMEmail Guillaume CombetExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Maria Dell'OreficeBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepStaff AccompanistProgramsCGYMEmail Maria Dell'OreficeExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Marcus C. DeLoachBoyer College of Music and DanceVocal ArtsAssociate ProfessorProgramsVoice and OperaEmail Marcus C. DeLoachOffice Location Presser Hall 304Phone 215-204-6156ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Barbara Di ToroBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsVoiceEmail Barbara Di ToroExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Melissa DouglasBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepRegistrar Community Music Scholars Program CoordinatorEmail Melissa DouglasOffice Location TUCC 501BPhone 215-204-8326Expand
Jay EpsteinBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsPianoSuzukiJazz PianoBusy Adults ClassEmail Jay EpsteinExpandView ProfileCopy Link
J FreivogelBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsViolinCGYMJasper String QuartetEmail J FreivogelExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Rachel Henderson FreivogelBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsCelloCGYMJasper String QuartetEmail Rachel Henderson FreivogelExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Danielle GarrettBoyer College of Music and DanceInstrumental Studies and Temple Music PrepDepartment Coordinator Music Prep FacultyProgramsOWLchestraEmail Danielle GarrettOffice Location Presser Hall 238Phone 215-204-3664ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Andrew GonzalezBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsViolaCGYMJasper String QuartetEmail Andrew GonzalezExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Hannah HanBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsPianoEmail Hannah HanExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Jacob HernandezBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsCMSP Jazz EnsemblesEmail Jacob HernandezExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Mark HuxsollBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepDirectorEmail Mark HuxsollOffice Location TUCC 501DPhone 215-204-4342Expand
Lawrence R. IndikBoyer College of Music and DanceVocal ArtsAssociate ProfessorProgramsVoice and OperaEmail Lawrence R. IndikOffice Location Presser Hall 322Phone 215-204-8336ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Ruth KiangBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsViolinSuzukiEmail Ruth KiangExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Joo Hee KimBoyer College of Music and DanceVocal Arts and Temple Music PrepAdjunct Faculty and Music Prep Staff AccompanistProgramsCGYMVoice and OperaEmail Joo Hee KimExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Karen KimBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsViolinCGYMJasper String QuartetEmail Karen KimExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Joan KrzywickiBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsSuzukiEmail Joan KrzywickiExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Gi LeeBoyer College of Music and DanceInstrumental StudiesTemple Music PrepAdjunct Faculty and Music Prep FacultyProgramsClarinetEmail Gi LeeExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Josh LeeBoyer College of Music and DanceJazz StudiesAdjunct Faculty and Music Prep FacultyProgramsSaxophoneCMSP Jazz EnsemblesEmail Josh LeeExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Raymond MallariBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsSuzukiConcentrationsViolinViolaPre-Twinkle ClassEmail Raymond MallariExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Ross MannBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsGuitarGuitar for Busy AdultsEmail Ross MannExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Genia MaslovBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsCGYMEmail Genia MaslovExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Victoria McGuiganBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsDance CoordinatorEmail Victoria McGuiganExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Marvin MoonBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsViolaEmail Marvin MoonExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Mitchell NewmanBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsViolinEmail Mitchell NewmanExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Jason O'MaraBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsCMSPEmail Jason O'MaraExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Hirono OkaBoyer College of Music and DanceInstrumental Studies and Temple Music PrepAdjunct Faculty and Music Prep FacultyProgramsViolinEmail Hirono OkaExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Ashley OrosBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsFluteEmail Ashley OrosExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Charles Parker, Jr. Boyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsViolinCGYMEmail Charles Parker, Jr. ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Aaron PichtBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsCGYMEmail Aaron PichtExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Kathryn Picht ReadBoyer College of Music and DanceInstrumental StudiesAdjunct Faculty and Music Prep FacultyProgramsCelloCGYMEmail Kathryn Picht ReadExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Silvanio ReisBoyer College of Music and DanceKeyboard Studies and Temple Music PrepAdjunct Faculty and Music Prep FacultyProgramsPianoSuzukiBusy Adults ClassConcentrationsPianoEmail Silvanio ReisExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Sharon RhinesmithBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsVoiceBusy Adults ClassEmail Sharon RhinesmithExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Keith RoeckleBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsCMSPMusic TheoryEmail Keith RoeckleExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Irina RostomashviliBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsViolinEmail Irina RostomashviliExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Zach StricklandBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepAssistant RegistrarEmail Zach StricklandExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Jasper String Quartet Boyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsCMSPCGYMEmail Jasper String Quartet ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Rie SuzukiBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsClarinetEmail Rie SuzukiExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Ashley VinesBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsViolinViolaSuzukiCMSPEmail Ashley VinesExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Phil WattsBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsViolinCGYMEmail Phil WattsExpandView ProfileCopy Link
James WilsonBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsViolinEmail James WilsonExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Aiwen ZhangBoyer College of Music and DanceTemple Music PrepMusic Prep FacultyProgramsSaxophoneEmail Aiwen ZhangExpandView ProfileCopy Link