Welcome from the Chair
Welcome to the Department of Vocal Arts at Temple University. As chair, I am honored to serve nearly 30 faculty and over 200 students whose activities in solo and choral singing enrich the musical lives of our campus and community.
Whether they are doctoral students in Voice Performance or non-music majors taking part in Singing Owls, our students share the goal of singing as a means of human expression. Students learn technique, pedagogy, and artistry through private lessons, studio classes, master classes, and rehearsals. Our department offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in Vocal Performance and Opera, as well as master’s degrees in Choral Conducting, preparing students for successful careers in performing, teaching and conducting.
Students studying Voice and Opera perform two fully-staged operas and four opera scenes concerts each year, and give solo recitals to culminate their degrees. Students in Choral Activities perform in one or more of our seven choirs, with opportunities to perform at professional conferences as well as our annual concert at the Kimmel Cultural Campus with the Temple University Symphony Orchestra. Graduate student conductors give two recitals and have opportunities to conduct six of our seven choirs in performance.
I hope you’ll take every opportunity to learn more about our programs and performances. Come see an opera, catch a concert online, attend a master class, or observe us in rehearsal.
Warm regards,
Paul Rardin