
  • PhD, music education, Temple University
  • MM, music education, Temple University
  • BME, Texas Christian University

Dr. Alison Reynolds focuses her research and teaching interests on expressive and creative music development, early childhood and general music teacher preparation, and developing curriculum materials for children 12 years old and younger. Reynolds has been published in Journal of Research in Music Education, Bulletin for the Council of Research in Music Education, Arts Education Policy Review, Research Studies in Music Education, Journal of Music Teacher Education, Journal of Historical Research in Music Education, Perspectives, and several state music educators' journals. She is in her second term of service on the review board for Bulletin of the Council of Research in Music Education, and serves on the He Kupu (the word) and International Journal of Music in Early Childhood review boards. Reynolds is lead co-author and co-editor of Music Play 2 (Parts A & B) being translated into the Chinese and co-author of Music Play, which has been translated to the Korean, Lithuanian, and Chinese; and Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum (Revised Edition). She is co-editor and contributing author for Engaging Musical Practices: A Sourcebook for Elementary General Music. She is a frequent presenter of research and practice in international, national, regional, state, and local venues. 

Reynolds has guided music education preservice students in preparation for student teaching, and mentored them during their independent studies, and Diamond Peer Teacher, Diamond Research Scholar, and Creative Arts and Research and Scholarship awards. At the graduate levels, she has taught Introduction to Research in Music Education, Learning Theory in Music, From Research to Practice in 21st Century Music Education, Music Teacher Inquiry & Professional Learning Communities, Creative Spaces in Music, and Qualitative Research. She guides graduate students’ extended practice in music settings with persons from birth through 12th grade and higher education, mentoring or collaborating research and practical projects, and offering guidance on independent projects, theses, dissertations, and preparation for music teacher education. In 2017, she received the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching from Temple University.

Reynolds serves as academic advisor to undergraduate and graduate students. From 2012-2018 she served the Early Childhood Music Education Special Research Interest Group as Chair Elect, Chair, and Past Chair within the National Association for Music Education. Since 2012, she has served as the Research Chair for Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA). From 2011 to the pandemic, she has maintained a musicking, collaborative partnership with children and the co-directors (Karen Chayot and Kathy Goldenberg) of Project P.L.A.Y School in Elkins Park. Reynolds is a member of the certification faculty for the Gordon Institute of Music Learning, and holds membership in International Society for Music Education, National Association for Music Education, Society for Music Teacher Education, Pennsylvania Music Educators Association, Gordon Institute for Music Learning, American Orff Schulwerk Association, National Association for the Education of Young Children, and Early Childhood Music & Movement Association.

Works and Publications 

Reynolds, A. M., Valerio, W. H., & Taggart, C. C., with Salvador, K., & 45 contributing authors (2020). Music play II: Guide for parents, teachers, and caregivers. Chicago, GIA.

Dansereau, D. R., Reynolds, A. M., Salvador, K. with input from members of the Early Childhood Music Special Research Interest Group: National Association for Music Education (2018, November). Early childhood position statement. Retrieved from Reference List.

Dansereau, D. R. & Reynolds, A.M. (2018, July). Promoting equity, community, and culture among our youngest musicians: Music engagement connecting research with practice. Blog Post Part 2. Retrieved from

Burton, S. L., & Reynolds, A. M. (Eds.). (2018). Engaging musical practices: A sourcebook for elementary general music. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Education in Association with the National Association for Music Education.

Reynolds, A. M. (2018). Welcome, all musicians! In S. L. Burton & A. M. Reynolds (Eds.), Engaging musical practices: A sourcebook for elementary general music (pp. xi-xx). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Education in Association with the National Association for Music Education.

Reynolds, A. M. (2017, Fall). Happy new (academic) year, thank you Dr. Strouse, and getting started with research. PMEA News81(3), 55-57.

Reynolds, A. M., & Dansereau, D. R. (2017, July 17). Promoting equity, community, and culture among our youngest musicians: Music engagement connecting research with practice. Blog Post Part 1. Retrieved from

Reynolds, A. M. (2017, Summer). Considering noncognitive skills in music-learning settings. PMEA News81(2), 36-38. 

Reynolds, A. M., & Valerio, W. H. (Eds.). (2017). Early childhood arts education in the United States: A special issue of Arts Education Policy Review. Arts Education Policy Review, 118(3), 133-139. doi:10.1080/10632913.2017.1287804

Reynolds, A. M., & Burton, S. L. (2017). Serve and return: Communication foundations for early childhood music policy stakeholders. In A. M. Reynolds & W. H. Valerio (Eds.), Early childhood arts education in the United States: A special issue of Arts Education Policy Review, 118(3), 140- 153Doi:10.1080/10632913.2016.1244779

McClure, M., Tarr, P., Thompson, C. M., & Eckhoff, A. (2017). Defining quality in visual art education for young children: Building on the Position Statement of the Early Childhood Art Association. In A.M. Reynolds & W. H. Valerio (Eds.), Early childhood arts education in the United States: A special issue of Arts Education Policy Review, 118(3), 154-163. doi:10.1080/10632913.2016.1245167

Brown, V. (2017). Drama as a valuable learning medium in early childhood. In A. M. Reynolds & W. H. Valerio (Eds.), Early childhood arts education in the United States: A special issue of Arts Education Policy Review, 118(3), 164-171. doi:10.1080/10632913.2016.1245167 

Faber, R. (2017). Dance and early childhood cognition: The Isadora effect. In A. M. Reynolds & W. H. Valerio (Eds.), Early childhood arts education in the United States: A special issue of Arts Education Policy Review, 118(3), 172-182. doi:10.1080/10632913.2016.1245166

Baum, A. C. (2017). Powerful allies: Arts educators and early childhood educators joining forces on behalf of young children. In A. M. Reynolds & W. H. Valerio (Eds.), Early childhood arts education in the United States: A special issue of Arts Education Policy Review, 118(3), 183-188. doi:10.1080/10632913.2016.1245165

Burton, S. L., Reynolds, A. M., & Valerio, W. H. (2016, April 22). Programs, practices, and policies: Incorporating PK in music teacher education. National Association for Music Education, Society for Music Teacher Education: Policy Area for Strategic Planning and Action. Retrieved from

Reynolds, A. M., & Valerio, W. H. (2015). Early childhood music curriculum. In C. Conway (Ed.), Designing musicianship focused curriculum and assessment (pp. 329-366). Chicago: GIA.

Reynolds, A. M., Renzoni, K., Turowski, P., & Waters, H. D. (2015). “Pssst . . . Over here!” Young children shaping the future of music education. In C. Randles (Ed.), Music education: Navigating the future (pp. 201-214)New York: Routledge.

Reynolds, A. M. (2014). Qualitative research in early childhood music education. In C. Conway (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of qualitative research in American music education (pp. 339-361). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Valerio, W. H., Reynolds, A. M., Morgan, G. B., & McNair, A. A. (2012). Construct validity of the Children’s Music-Related Behavior QuestionnaireJournal of Research in Music Education, 60(2), 186-200.

Reynolds, A. M. (2012). General music teachers talk professional development: Kindling the spark, fanning the flame, and keeping an eye on the fire. In M. Barrett & S. Stauffer (Eds.), Narrative soundings: An anthology of Narrative Inquiry in Music Education (pp. 275-286). Springer.

Valerio, W. H., Reynolds, A. M., Grego, J., Yap, C. C., & McNair, A. (2011). Parents’ documentation of their young children’s music behaviors. In S. L. Burton & C. C. Taggart (Eds.), Learning from young children: Research in early childhood music (pp. 161-180). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Education in association with MENC. Lanham: MD.

Reynolds, A. M. (2010). If the shoe fits . . . Tapping into undergraduate peer-teaching experiences to promote music teacher and music teacher educator socialization and identity. In A. C. Clements (Ed), Alternative approaches in music education: Case studies from the field (pp. 257-569). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Education in association with MENC.

Overland, C., & Reynolds, A. M. (2010). The role of MENC: The National Association for Music Education in early childhood music education from 1980 to 2007. Journal of Historical Research in Music Education, 31(2) 99-117.

Valerio, W. H., & Reynolds, A. M. (2009). Peekaboo and Fill-in-the-Blank: Age-old games with a social-music-interaction twist. Perspectives: A Publication of the Early Childhood Music and Movement Association4(3), 10-15.

Burton, S. L., & Reynolds, A. M. (2009). Transforming music teacher education through service-learning. Journal of Music Teacher Education, 18(2), 18-33.

Reynolds, A. M. (2009). Movement, for music’s sake. In International Conference on Music Education in Lithuanian Conference Proceedings, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Reynolds, A. M. (2008). Movement, for music’s sake! Perspectives: A Publication of the Early Childhood Music and Movement Association3(1), 9-13.

Valerio, W. H., Reynolds, A. M., Apostoli, A., Gruhn, W., Rodrigues, H., Poskue-Grun, R. (2008). Sharing a social music interaction music-learning framework in six countries. In M. Baroni & J. Tafuri Abstracts of Sessions at the 28th International Society for Music Education World Conference, Music at all Ages, pp. 200-205. Bologna: Tipografia.

Reynolds, A. M. (2008, May). Teaching with musical moments in mind: Prospects for success in and out of school. Tempo. Official Publication of the New Jersey Music Educators Association.

REPRINT. (2008). Teaching with musical moments in mind: Prospects for success in and out of school. Mass Music News. Official Publication of the Massachusetts Music Educators Association, 56(3), 38

Reynolds, A. M., Long, S., & Valerio, W. H. (2007). Language acquisition and music acquisition: Possible parallels. In L. R. Bartel (Series Ed.) & K. Smithrim & R. Upitis (Vol. Eds.), Listen to their voices Research to practice: A biennial series (Vol. 3, pp. 211-227). Canadian Music Educators Association.

Reynolds, A. M., & Beitler, N. (2007, Summer). Reflective practice in a middle school instrumental setting.Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 173, 55-69.

Reynolds, A. M. (2007, Winter). Improvisation: An objective AND an assessment! CMEA News, 18-22. Official Publication of the Connecticut Music Educators Association.

Reynolds, A. M. (2007). Movement through the years: Why move? MI-GIML Newsletter 10(1), 8.

Reynolds, A. M. (2006, Spring). Vocal interactions during informal early childhood music classes. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 168, 35-49.

Reynolds, A. M. (2005). Guiding early childhood music development: A moving experience. In M. Runfola & C. C. Taggart (Eds.), The development and practical application of music learning theory (pp. 87-100). Chicago: GIA.

Reynolds, A. M., Jerome, A., Preston, A. L., & Haynes, H. O. (2005, Summer). Service-learning in music education: Participants’ reflections. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 165, 79-91.

Daniel, S. M., & Reynolds, A. M. (2005). Success strategies for teaching kindergarten music. Southwestern Musician: Official Publication for Texas Music Educators Association, 74(5), 58-61.

Reynolds, A. M., & Hyun, K. (2004, December). Understanding music aptitude: Teachers’ interpretations. Research Studies in Music Education, 23, 18-31.

Reynolds, A. M. (2004, Summer). Service-learning in music teacher education: An overview. Journal of Music Teacher Education, 9-17.

Reynolds, A. M., & Conway, C. M. (2003, Winter). Perceptions of participants involved in a service-learning music education field experience. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 155, 1-10.

Reynolds, A. M. (2003, Summer). Participants in a service-learning partnership: Agents of change. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education157, 71-81.

Early Childhood and General Music Curricula

Taggart, C. C., Reynolds, A. M., Valerio, W. H., & Gordon, E. E. (2010). Jump right in: The music curriculum. (Rev. ed.): Kindergarten Teacher’s Edition. GIA Publications.

Taggart, C. C., Bolton, B. M., Reynolds, A. M., Valerio, W. H., & Gordon, E. E. (2006, Fall). Jump right in: The music curriculum. (Rev. ed.), Book 4. Chicago: GIA.
Elementary general music series textbook includes: Teacher’s Edition, Student Book, Compact Disc Recordings.

Valerio, W. H., Reynolds, A. M., Bolton, B. M., Taggart, C. C., & Gordon, E. E. (2004). Yinyue youxi [Music play], translated by Gan Wang and Hao Liu. Beijing: China Translation and Publishing Corporation.

Valerio, W. H., Reynolds, A. M., Bolton, B. B., Taggart, C. C., and Gordon, E. E. (2004). Muzikos zˇaismas[Music play], Regina Proskute-Grun (Ed.). Vilnius, Lithuania: Kronta.

Taggart, C. C., Bolton, B. M., Reynolds, A. M., Valerio, W. H., & Gordon, E. E. (2004, April). Jump right in: The music curriculum. (Rev. ed.), Book 3. Chicago: GIA. Elementary general music series textbook includes: Teacher’s Edition, Student Book, Piano Accompaniment Book, Compact Disc Recordings.

Reynolds, A.M. (2004, April). Jump right in: The music curriculum, (Rev. ed), Student Book 3. Chicago: GIA.

Valerio, W. H., Reynolds, A. M., Bolton, B. B., Taggart, C. C., & Gordon, E. E. (2002). Music play. (Helen K. Yi, trans.). Hanam-city, Korea: IEC Music English.

Taggart, C. C., Bolton, B. M., Reynolds, A. M., Valerio, W. H., & Gordon, E. E. (2001). Jump right in: The music curriculum. (Rev. ed.), Book 2. Chicago: GIA. Elementary general music series textbook includes: Teacher’s Edition, Student Book, Piano Accompaniment Book, Compact Disc Recordings.

Taggart, C. C., Bolton, B. M., Reynolds, A. M., Valerio, W. H., & Gordon, E. E. (2000). Jump right in: The music curriculum. (Rev. ed.), Book 1. Chicago: GIA. Elementary general music series textbook includes: Teacher’s Edition, Student Book, Piano Accompaniment Book, Compact Disc Recordings.

Valerio, W. H., Reynolds, A. M., Bolton, B. M., Taggart, C. C., & Gordon, E. E. (1998). Music play: Guide for parents, teachers, and caregivers. Chicago: GIA.