
Davyd Booth teaches violin by special arrangement and conducts the Chamber Players Orchestra at Temple Music Prep. Booth joined The Philadelphia Orchestra in 1973. A native of Clarksburg, West Virginia, he made his professional debut at the age of 13 and subsequently toured the United States and Mexico. He studied violin at the New School of Music with Jascha Brodsky and piano with Susan Starr. Mr. Booth is co-music director and harpsichordist for the Amerita Chamber Ensemble, and he is active in music education. Booth has served on the faculties of the University of Pennsylvania, the New School of Music, and Rutgers University. Since 1998 Mr. Booth has been the harpsichordist for The Philadelphia Orchestra. He also serves as the Orchestra’s second keyboard player and has been featured on piano, celesta, harmonium, organ, synthesizer, and accordion.